Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Painting Labour

After the shock of the Brexit vote, I found myself wanting to become involved in politics. However, it was not until I discovered Jeremy Corbyn's policies that I found anything to really motivate me. So I found myself a part of an anti-austerity Party with the biggest membership in the UK (and still growing), Labour!

I have now been to a few of the meetings of the North Down Labour branch at the Funky Penguin Cafe, Bangor and l started to think that it would be interesting to base a painting on the meetings. If it works out, it will not be to claim that this particular branch is any more important than any other. Rather, it is to celebrate the importance of ALL grass roots members, meeting in little groups like this.

Last night at our AGM I did a few sketches, almost at random, depending on who I had a good view of. There will be a lot more work to be done before I would be ready to paint. For me, this is just part of the process of developing ideas and getting to know the people participating in the meetings. But this is what I have so far!

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